Get your Dose of the latest in pharmacy news. We deliver monthly highlights straight to your inbox, so you can keep your finger on the industry’s pulse. Click here to sign up now! From the WHO calling out anti-vaxxers to how you can pursue better opportunities in 2019, this is what’s happening for January.
Hate Your Job? Here’s What You Can Do About It In 2019.
We’re in the first month of 2019. Now the pressure is on to put all those brimming plans and resolutions to action. Maybe you want to lose some weight, learn a new hobby or spend more time with family. Better yet, maybe you want to find a new job that lets you do all of the above.
Too many people feel that their careers are consuming their lives. But instead of pursuing new opportunities, they stick with what they know and try to work through the burnout—hoping that their discontent is only a phase, just a rough patch in their pursuit of happiness.
Perhaps this mindset can explain why over half of Americans are unhappy at work and, even worse, the mere 13 percent of employees who are actually engaged in their jobs.
If you think that’s sad, consider this: We spend an average of 90,000 hours at work over the course of our lives. That is a lot of time to devote to something you don’t like.
So, what can you do? Read the full article to learn how you can make your move the right way in 2019.
Anti-Vaxxers Land on WHO’s List of Top Global Health Threats
The World Health Organization (WHO) recently released its list of the top 10 threats to global health in 2019. Entries on this list included air pollution and climate change, antimicrobial resistance and vaccine hesitancy, which WHO defines as “the reluctance or refusal to vaccinate despite the availability of vaccines.”
We are seeing a startling resurgence of diseases that were once basically eradicated from the U.S. Measles, for example, experienced the second-highest surge in America since 2000. Not to mention, we’ve also seen a 30 percent increase in cases around the world. The latest outbreak in Washington state does not bode well for 2019 either.
For this and more on the top global threats, check out the full article here.
Are You California Dreaming?
From the breathtaking wonder of the giant redwood trees to all the beautiful cities nestled against sparking seas and everything in between, California has what dreams are made of. It’s the perfect place to work and play and pursue happiness like you’ve never known.
That’s why we wrote this love letter to the state in the form of our latest video project, so I hope you enjoy. If you find yourself California dreaming after watching this, reply back to this email to learn about my various available positions in this gorgeous state!
Want to pursue new opportunities in preparation for the New Year? Email me at [email protected] to tell me what you want for the next step in your career or what role you need to fill at your facility! I’m here to help for all of your pharmacy needs.