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5 Essential Elements to DevOps

DevOps essentials


DevOps has been a hot buzzword in tech for years—and for good reason. It has totally revolutionized the way businesses manage their software. That’s why when it came onto the scene less than a decade ago, everyone from Google to Nordstrom jumped on the bandwagon.


But what makes it so great? Well, by bridging the gap between development and operations, it streamlines internal processes for better efficiency and faster delivery. The key here is to eliminate the frequent disconnect between the two departments. By holding both accountable for every step in the software lifecycle, it fosters collaboration.


Best part yet, businesses that implement this method successfully see huge returns—like double-digit annual revenue growths. It’s no wonder why companies are clamoring for DevOps professionals. From 2013 to 2016, the demand for DevOps engineers grew over 106 percent, putting the profession in the top three of Indeed’s list of best jobs.


There’s a catch though. DevOps positions also happen to be nearly impossible to fill. Aside from the field being so new and in-demand, one of the problems is that most companies don’t really understand DevOps, how to implement it, or how to hire for it.  


The best way to demystify DevOps is to break it down to its bare elements. Here are the five essentials of DevOps.




We mentioned this one already. But since collaboration is really at the heart of DevOps, it’s worth repeating. Every step in the DevOps method involves continuous feedback, from code building to product releases. This system encourages the team to see the big picture, instead of focusing on individual, seemingly isolated tasks. It creates a better flow but also makes communication and transparency all the more crucial.




Since DevOps is all about agility and efficiency, automation is a foundational part of the whole system. It helps DevOps professionals standardize their workflows, ensure the reliability of the network, eliminate tedious tasks, improve cooperation and much more. That’s why a DevOps engineer must have experience in automation tools and scripting languages, such as Python, Bash and Ruby.




Like automation, testing is an integral part of the DevOps process. Software developers have to constantly test and update their code. In a traditional pre-DevOPs model, quality assurance testing was often a last step in the software lifecycle before launching to the public. The DevOps method, however, emphasizes testing at every phase of development.




The need for adaptation isn’t novel to any tech process. The tools and platforms are ever-changing, as is the industry itself. One of the benefits of DevOps is that it facilitates faster and easier adaptation. That way any company using the model will always stay ahead of its competitors.




Any network can be vulnerable to hackers. The problem is that implementing security measures is as cumbersome as it is necessary. Since DevOps emphasizes continuous feedback and swift deliveries, you would think that the model would spend less time dealing with security inconveniences. On the contrary, a major trend in DevOps is implementing security at the beginning of the software lifecycle, so any bugs can be detected early on. This swift security integration offers more incentive for companies to transition to the DevOps method.


Of course, nothing in the tech industry is stagnant. It’s a never-ending race to progress, but DevOps offers a shortcut. Though the movement will undoubtedly experience change, its essential elements are here to stay. This movement may very well become the standard—which is why any company that doesn’t get it now may get left behind.

