Work When And Where You Want
Our recruiters are here for you. Whether you prefer the fast-paced environment of a city hospital or a rural setting where you’ll get to know your patients, we can help you find the right fit. Find adventure, reward or a schedule that suits your lifestyle. Best of all, you can relax, confident that ICON is taking care of all the details!
If you’re at the beginning of your career, mid-career or nearing retirement, ICON can give you options. As a physician recruitment agency, we can help you connect with the right opportunity. Choose from locum tenens jobs, locum-to-perm roles, dental and advanced practice provider positions.
We take a hands-on approach to our partnerships with providers and employers. You’ll have a single point of contact to handle all your needs on the job, from housing to credentialling. We’ve earned a position of trust with employers, many of whom use us as a master service provider. What does that mean for you? Virtually unlimited opportunity.