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Let's Get Physical: January 2018 Issue


Why Healthcare is America’s Biggest Employer

For the first time in history, healthcare has become the biggest source of jobs in America. Analysts predict that a third of all new jobs will be in the healthcare sector. Why? Thanks to advances in medicine, people are living longer, but that also means an aging population requires more care. Not only is our population getting older, we’re getting unhealthier, too. Less than 3 percent of Americans meet the basic criteria for being healthy. And healthcare has an immunity to automation—at the end of the day, robots can’t simulate empathy. Check out the full article to see why the healthcare job boom is here to stay.


Healthcare and Tech Dominate the List of Best Jobs for 2018

U.S. News & World Report published its list for “The 100 Best Jobs in America” and one thing is abundantly clear: Healthcare and tech absolutely dominatedNot only do these industries create the most jobs—they also create the best. Physical Therapy had a huge representation on the list: #11 Occupational Therapist, #12 Physical Therapist, #20 Physical Therapy Assistant, and #38 Speech-Language Pathologist. Safe to say, 2018 is going to be a HUGE year for the Therapy world.


5 Steps to Improve Your Personal and Professional Life for the New Year

How many people actually follow through with their New Year’s resolutions? The answer: less than 10 percent. At least now you know you’re not alone if you’ve failed at yours too. What if you tried something new for a resolution, something more comprehensive and even more involving? Spend 2018 improving your personal and professional life by fostering new relationships, nurturing old ones, taking care of yourself first, showing gratitude, and never being afraid to ask for more.























